
20 October 2009

Greenpoint Technologies Develops “Aerolift” for the 747-8 and Trademarks “Aeroloft”

Greenpoint Technologies’ design team has released its concept for a patent-pending, ground-to-main deck lift (elevator) for the Boeing 747-8 VIP aircraft, named “Aerolift.” The lift is capable of
transporting passengers from the ground to the main deck, providing an elegant and secure method to board the aircraft.

“Tackling the complex task of modifications to the aircraft’s primary structure, Greenpoint’s Aerolift is a complete installation. It consists of an automatic door on the fuselage, a power unit and lift structure from the keel up though the main deck, a lift carriage with internal doors and a cabin enclosure. The carriage was specifically sized to permit the transport of a wheelchair and attendant, creating a dignified, secure boarding experience,” states Mike Weisner, Chief Customer Engineer.

Boarding and deplaning widebody aircraft has required the use of ground-based stairs due to the heights involved and the lack of a built-in airstair. To board Boeing’s new 747-8 VIP aircraft in remote areas, Greenpoint has created an innovative solution that offers a secure, self-contained means to transport personnel (up to four passengers at a time) from the ground to the main deck. “From a security standpoint, the enclosed carriage descends directly to the tarmac, reducing the occupant’s exposure from public view and permits close-quarters boarding of awaiting ground transportation,” states Mike Weisner.

Greenpoint has received positive feedback from 747-8 clients on the Aerolift concept, validating the market need for this innovative and novel product.

In addition to the Aerolift, the formerly known 747-8 Overhead Space Utilization (OSU) is now trademarked by Greenpoint as the “Aeroloft™.” The berth and lounge modules are located above the main deck between doors 3 and 5. Working closely with their clients, Greenpoint is providing the modification turnkey. Streamlining the configuration options, clients have selected a layout utilizing the area between doors 4 and 5 leaving the main deck ceiling open at door 3. The Aeroloft™ includes a custom, in-house designed interior with a finished staircase. Clients have also opted for additional modifications to closeout and finish the main deck ceiling underneath the Aeroloft™.

“The Aeroloft is installed post delivery from Boeing, but before it goes to a completion center. This program has turned out to be a very popular option amongst the 747‐8 VIP customers,” states Sloan Benson, Executive Vice President.

Greenpoint continues to be on the cutting edge, providing unique products for the new Boeing 747-8 aircraft.

For more information, please contact Christine Hadley at (425) 828-2777 ext. 7154 or by e-mail at