
20 July 2017

Greenpoint Technologies Contracts Sixth 787 VIP Modification

Greenpoint Technologies signs a contract for a Boeing 787-8 V-VIP Interior Modification with a confidential customer. The interior will be designed by the Greenpoint Design Team in partnership with the client.

Greenpoint is an industry leading 787 completion center. Greenpoint delivered the first 787-8 V-VIP interior completion in 2016, named by one of the world’s leading operators, Deer Jet, as the “787 Dream Jet”. Greenpoint celebrates the 787 Dream Jet’s global success as it embarks upon Deer Jet’s creative “Dreams Encounter the World” series of exhibitions, and its attractiveness for global elite passengers. Greenpoint contracted two additional 787-8’s and one 787-9 earlier this year. The company contracted six 787 interior modifications to date, including green V-VIP interior completions and V-VIP reconfigurations.

“Greenpoint is well positioned to take on this new V-VIP modification. Our team’s experience and technical understanding of the 787, completion management savviness and focus on quality will ensure a successful program. We are excited to further advance our 787 expertise and provide our customers the best, innovative interior solutions,” explains Bret Neely, Greenpoint Executive Vice President.
Greenpoint’s 787-8 V-VIP Executive Lounge (Fwd and Aft Views)