
11 June 2007

Greenpoint Technologies Prepares for Widebody BBJ VIP Growth

The impressive sales statistics of Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) Widebody aircraft has created tremendous opportunity for the completions industry. This is especially exciting for Greenpoint Technologies, Inc. (GTI) as they are a Boeing-only completion center. In anticipation of this future opportunity, GTI is adding an additional twenty thousand square feet to their engineering and technical office space. GTI is also adding a minimum of 50 engineers and technical personnel to accommodate the additional work.

GTI recently opened an engineering and development test lab, allowing them to perform materials and structural research, including mechanical and flammability testing. This fall, GTI will add rapid prototyping capability. This technology will provide nearly instantaneous mockup of design details prior to production. This is especially important in light of the high content of new-technology composite materials on Boeing’s new generation aircraft.

GTI is also actively developing engineering concepts for the best utilization of the B747-8 SkyLoft environment for VIP customers.

GTI is in the process of obtaining Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Organization Designation Authorization (ODA). This is the highest level of FAA delegation which offers the fastest turn times for issuance of Supplemental Type Certificates (STC). GTI has become a leader in FAA certification and currently provides all certification services for Boeing Integrated Defense, Derivative Airplane Group Programs.

Staying true to their vision of Focus, Adapt and Deliver – GTI is working on a nontraditional approach to contracting widebody projects in order to minimize the financial risk to their customers.

GTI is an experienced BBJ Completion Center which provides VIP aircraft interiors for Boeing airplanes. GTI incorporates in-house capabilities of interior design, engineering, program management, and certification for aircraft interior installations and modifications. Established in 1988, GTI has a history of VIP completions for multiple heads-of-state, leading corporations, and private individuals. Driven by its nimble customer-focused culture, GTI’s strategic goals incorporate quality, commitment, and craftsmanship into every completion.