
9 May 2011

Greenpoint Technologies Giving Back to the Community

Greenpoint Technologies, represented by more than 40 employees, their family and friends, joined together Saturday, April 30th to touch the lives of a local family by supporting Spring Rebuilding Day 2011.

Greenpoint sponsors Rebuilding Together Seattle, a volunteer driven charitable organization that repairs homes at no cost to homeowners struggling with limited income, particularly the elderly, disabled, families with children and veterans. An enthusiastic team cleaned, gardened, painted and repaired accomplishing a relative renovation in household improvements. Greenpoint values community service and lives that value. Rebuilding Together Seattle is one of many organizations Greenpoint supports.

“Days like today spotlight Greenpoint’s true spirit of teamwork in action. No task was too daunting and everyone pitched in. We came together for a greater purpose; the homeowner was thrilled, we strengthen ourselves and our team,” Greenpoint President, Scott Goodey goes on, “this is Greenpoint at its finest.”
Front walkway before and after
Backyard before and after with new fence
(Left) Teamwork in action & (Right) EVP Sloan Benson gardening
T.R. Reed Enterprises in Denton, Texas